
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Through the Eyes of the Pure

This is from 2003:

Recently I was helping out in the [Preston] Temple Cafeteria when I saw a young man, about 20yrs old approaching with his Father in the queue. This young man was wearing a white shirt which had been pressed to perfection, a tie, uncreased trousers, and highly polished shoes. He also had Downs Syndrome. I observed this presentable young man, and I couldn't take my eyes off him. I watched how he interacted with people, always smiling, always with a look of love in his eyes. The Spirit told me that this was a very special soul, one who the Father loves dearly, one who is pure.

After he had sat down with his Father to eat his meal, I thought more about the feeling I had had as I watched him. I thought about how I wanted to be more like him, more pure, more innocent and more loving to people.

As I was thinking about this, a voice behind me said, "thank you for the food", it was him. All I could say in reply as he went on his way was, "you're very welcome", when really, what I wanted to do, was give him a big hug and tell him how much he is loved and thank him for coming to the Temple today. I suspect though, that Heavenly Father will take care of the hugging and loving for me.

"Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God" (Matt 5:8), and we will see God through the eyes of the pure.

1 comment:

  1. A very touching post, Sarah. Thanks for sharing.

    And thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm replying here, also, in case you don't get back there.

    Yes, I remember the Skidmore name, but can't recall faces. We were in Manchester (1960s) and Sutton Coldfield 1980/90s), and, like you, moved around a LOT. Was your dad a Stake Patriarch in Birmingham? Did you know our son, David (North Meets South)? Or if it was Manchester, do you know the Robinsons?


Hope you have a brilliant day!!