
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Free People

President Spencer W Kimball taught:
"When you do not worry or concern yourself too much with what other people do and believe and say, there will come to you a new freedom".

The Lord has said:
"Wherefore, hear my voice and follow me, and you shall be a free people...."
(D&C 38:22).

As we hear the Saviour's voice and follow it, we can be free from emotional, spiritual and physical worry and pain, if it is His will. And if it's not at this time, He will strengthen you to be able to bear it and will bring you closer to Him.


  1. That is an important one a lot of us struggle with. Thanks for that perfect quote.

  2. Thank-you. I needed this today. An answer to prayer...

  3. I just got an e-mail from a young mommy friend who is feeling particulary down. I was thinking of writing her back and saying something like,

    "You would be surprised at how little other people really think about you."

    But I like the way the prophet says it better.

    I'm going to forward your blog to my friend.

    Thanks and thanks for visiting Anniethology.

  4. I definitely need to not concern myself with what others say. Great reminder. I love your blog and I will definitely be back. Thanks for the comments on my blog.


Hope you have a brilliant day!!