
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

An Award, Woohoo!

A few days ago I got a lovely message from Nurture Mama telling me that she loves this little old blog and gave me a "One Lovely Blog Award". Thanks for the recognition!

Here are the rules for the award:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3) Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Now it's my turn to share the love. So below are a list of some of my favorite blogs. Feel free to visit them, I'm sure they would LOVE IT, and you will too:):
1. Everyday Food Storage - She actually makes food storage seem manageable, and tasty.
2. Away From It All - Poland!
3. Diapers and Divinity - Finding Faith in Motherhood
4. Pensievity - The Misplaced Americans have a new home
5. Family Home Evening - A great resource for families with kids
6. A Toddlers Guide to Scripture Study - And who doesn't need that!
7. Visiting Teaching Surprise - Some great ideas, I love me some VT!
8. Family Home Evening Spot - Another FHE favorite
9. Scripture Mom - Some great inspirational thoughts!
10. Nap Time Journal - Some great craft ideas, if only I had the same creative gene.....


  1. Well done Sarah!! Well deserved award, cos this blog is FANTASTIC...I love it!!

  2. Congratulations on you award. You deserve it!

  3. THanks so much Sarah! Sorry I didn't respond earlier, for some reason your comment landed in my Spam box and then I was out of town.... excuses. Anyway, I'll respond to the post soon. Thanks again.

  4. Ha! Steph thought SHE was late responding! MY excuse is that I don't respond to almost anything lately because I'm totally apathetic about all things involving the computer! But how can you be apathetic about an AWARD!?!

    Thanks so much! What a nice surprise.


Hope you have a brilliant day!!