
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday Tell All - The Affects of Kindness

“We may think there is little of interest or importance in what we personally say or do – but it is remarkable how many of our families, as we pass on down the line, are interested in all that we do and all that we say” 
~ Spencer W. Kimball

I've been running another blog for over two years, it's called Tuesday Tell All, and I've decided to incorporate it into this one, so I can be more organized.... hopefully. This was the reason for it:

In the last few years both of my parents have passed away, with my father being the most recent in, Feb 2009. There have been key events, like getting married and having babies, that have happened since my mum passed away six years ago, and there were so many questions that I had for her especially during my pregnancy, that I never thought to ask. This blog was created to give suggestions for topics that could be included as part of my personal or family history, and hopefully yours. I will post a new topic every week. Feel free to leave comments with your thoughts about the subject on this blog, but more importantly, simply record or share your answers in any way you wish. You can see the original 'Tuesday Tell All' blog that this blog is inspired by, by clicking here.

So, without further ado, here is this week's topic:

Share a moment that you will never forget when someone has shown kindness to you, or that you have done something for someone else that has affected you.

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! The kindness that we receive can sometimes be the one thing that gives us the strength to carry on. Thank you for posting this.


Hope you have a brilliant day!!