
Monday, March 26, 2012

Everyone Has Gone Through Something

When you look at a person, any person, remember that everyone has a story, everyone has gone through something that has changed them.


  1. This is so true. Most people don't wear their past trials on their sleeves, so you don't know. It would be awfully unfair if Heavenly Father only gave some of us trials and skipped others. We can be assured, that whatever trials someone else has, it has challenged them and helped them grow. You may look at others' trials and feel it is completely unbearable and others that you wonder why it would even be called a trial. Everyone's abilities are different, and their trials will "try" them where they need the growth. We just need to remember to be compassionate and empathetic and never assume we are being singled out to have a tough time.


Hope you have a brilliant day!!