
Sunday, July 1, 2012

July 2012 Visiting Teaching Message - Demonstrating Our Discipleship through Love and Service

This months message provides another insight into how we can be the Lord's type of visiting teachers. I've created this 4x6 handout that focuses on what I believe is at the heart of this message, literally. It's sized 4x6 and is a freebie from me to you, just put it in a cute little frame, or add a magnet or embellishment, or give as is for that perfect reminder of what we should be all about:) Click HERE or the image to download.


  1. I love the visual you have created with the scriptural verse inside the heart. Beautiful!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to tell me that Kristi:)

  2. It is a beautiful one! I have given all of my sisters that I VT one of those clear magnetic photo frames to put on their fridge (at Michaels). Every month I find a really cute and/or inspiring printable of the current months message. Love this one!

    1. That's a brilliant idea, I'm going to do that:) Thanks for sharing:)

    2. I just sent you an email via Facebook too:)

  3. You do such a great job with your quotes. I love that you do one for Visiting teaching. Thanks!

  4. Thank you sooo much for all your beautiful little quotes - the text, colours and designs always go so well together, you certainly are talented! I have yet to print any out at a proper print place to have it/them framed (I have been meaning to for a very very long time.. one of those things!), but I cannot wait to have my house sprinkled with these little gems of yours! :) THANK YOU AGAIN! Simply beautiful :)

  5. I love this! I found this after I had already designed something and I'm kicking myself for not looking through more google results. I'll definitely come back for August :)


Hope you have a brilliant day!!