"It is reported that President Brigham Young once said that he who takes offense when no offence was intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense was intended is usually a fool. It was then explained that there are two courses if action to follow

when one is bitten by a rattlesnake. One may, in anger, fear, or vengefulness, pursue the creature and kill it. Or he may make full haste to get the venom out of his system. If we pursue the latter course, we will likely survive, but if we attempt to follow the former, we may not be around for long enough to finish what we started".
(Elder Marion D Hanks, "Forgiveness: The Ultimate Form of Love")----------------------------------
I just really liked that too. I think not forgiving people is ..... stupid (don't know what other word to use here...) and is something that is as a result of selfish pride. The Saviour died so that we would be able to be forgiven, so what right do we have withold forgiveness from another? I am sure this is what is lacking in the majority of marriages/relationships that struggle.
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