“We are often left to work out problems, without the dictation or specific direction of the Spirit. That is part of the experience we must have in mortality. Fortunately, we are never out of our Saviour's sight, and if our judgement leads us to actions beyond the limits of what is permissible and if we are listening to the still small voice, the Lord will restrain us by the promptings of His Spirit.”
The Prophet Joseph Smith taught : “We consider that God has created man with a mind capable of instruction, and a faculty which may be enlarged in proportion to the heed and diligence given to the light communicated from heaven to the intellect.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith).
It is a misconception to believe that we should consult Heavenly Father on every matter in life. He expects us to solve a portion of our problems without petitioning Him for potential solutions. It is through this process that we grow, develop, and become more perfect. He is not always concerned about mundane matters unless they are not in keeping with sacred principles. We should daily petition for the companionship of the Holy Ghost. With this presence of the Spirit, we will feel the promptings without petitioning Heavenly Father on every personal matter. This is the method in which Heavenly Father directs me. I have faith as long as my hand is in His that there are many things I don’t need to pray about, because Heavenly Father would tell me if I was going to be doing something wrong. I feel so strongly that members of the Church sometimes don’t act unless prompted, and don’t follow the Lord’s admonish to be “Agents unto ourselves”. We need to keep our feet moving.
Thanks for sharing the words of wisdom from Elder Oaks. I know that they are true. I love being reminded. Hugs to you! LeAnn